Advantage And Disadvantage Of Corona Discharge

Advantages of Corona Discharge:

  • It Reduces the Magnitude Of High Voltage Step Frontal Wave.  Which is Caused by Surge Effect due to Lightning, Switching Surges by Partially disipiating as Corona loss.
  • It has several applications as it is used in Van-De-Graff Generator, Electrostatic Precipitators, Electeoprinting, Ionization Counting.
  • The Air surrounding theConductor Gets Ionised.


  • During Few Weather Conditions The Losses Of Power is More.
  • Ozone Gas is Formed By Corona.
  • With Corona Power Loss is High.
  • Reduces the Efficiency Of the Line.

Methods To Reduce Corona:

  • Increasing the Diameter of the Conductor.
  • The Voltage at Which Corona Occur is Raised by Using ACSR Conductor.
  • By Using Hollow Conductors/By Using Bundled Conductor.
  • By Increasing Conductor Spacing.

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